Google Adsense: $1,028,418.80 In One Month PART 1: THE PROOF


Your Getting Started Guide

Almost all domain registrars and web hosting companies are notorious for taking your order, sending you a welcome email and leaving you to figure out how to get started.
At, that's not going to happen.
To help you along, I've created a step by step guide that will not only walk you through launching your site or blog, but I provide tips on generating traffic and making money from your site. There are even instructions for setting up a blog.
It's perfect for newbies.
When you buy your domain name(s) at Website Palace, you'll get this free book to help you setup your account and prepare to launch your site and/or blog.
The manual is an electronic book (PDF) and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
Most computers already have this program installed, but just in case you don't, you can download the free reader here.
Note: The download link to the book is on the order confirmation page after you've placed your order - so don't miss it!
If you register a domain name or buy anything from by May 1, 2009, I will provide this book for free

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